sobota 1. novembra 2008

streda 22. októbra 2008

Queer Duck: The Movie (2006)

QUEER DUCK: THE MOVIE is a full-length version of Showtime's hilariously irreverent three-minute cartoon series. Written and created by SIMPSONS writer Mike Reiss, the series gleefully parodies gay stereotypes--and homophobic public figures like Dr. Laura and Jerry Falwell--through the Streisand-loving misadventures of a flamingly gay duck (voiced by Jim J. Bullock, TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT) and his fabulous trio of friends: the martini-swilling, smoking-jacketed Oscar Wildcat; the Harvey Fierstein-sounding Openly Gator; and the leather-boyish Bi-Polar Bear (REN & STIMPY's Billy West doing his best Paul Lynde impersonation). In this made-for-video movie, Queer Duck attempts to go straight with the help of a Christian fundamentalist preacher-horse, resulting in a swishy swirl of racy humor and snappy musical numbers replete with guest voices by Tim Curry, Conan O'Brien, Andy Dick, and David Duchovny. Oh my gay stars!

English subtittles:

Close to Leo / Tout contre Léo (2002)

When 21 year-old Leo, the oldest of four brothers, announces to his rural French family that he's HIV+ family bonds are tested. The family decides that 11 year Marcel, the youngest, is too young to understand and the family agrees to keep the unsettling news from him. Marcel overhears enough to understand that something amiss with Leo and when the two travel to Paris together, Marcel confronts Leo with what he suspects.
English subtittles:

streda 12. marca 2008

Eating Out (2004)

Po kopačkách od svojej priateľky, sa Celab zamiluje do Gwen. Ale vďaka Celabovmu spolubývajúcemu, si Gwen o ňom myslí, že je gay a snaží sa ho dať dohromady so svojim spolubývajúcim Marcom.

Spájanie súborov *.001, *.002...

Súbory končiace priponami 001, 002 až n jednoducho spojite programom HJ Split.

Po spustení programu vyberiete JOIN, následne vo voľbe INPUT FILE nalistujete prvý súbor s príponou .001 a stlačte START. Spojený súbor potom nájdete v tom istom adresáre, v ktorom boli jednotlivé časti.


Vitajte na novom blogu, ktorý sa bude venovať predovšetkým filmom s gay a bi tématikou. Budem sa snažiť vyberať filmy nielen kvalitné - klubové, ale nájdu sa aj komédie, dokumenty či oddychové. Nájdete tu nielen informácie o filmoch, ale aj filmy samotné.